

Award winning projects from the Institute's bi-annual awards.

Garden Shed Living Roof, London - Photo by Zoë Avery
Whāngārei Living Roof Guide

NZILA Category Winner / Landscape Publications — 2019

Image: uploads/2019_04/BCP_Pavilion_and_Plaza_1.jpg
Barry Curtis Park Plaza

NZILA Category Winner / Institutional — 2019

Image: uploads/2019_04/Port_Vila_Waterfront_Regeneration-Hero.jpg
Vanuatu Infrastructure Tourism Project

NZILA Category Winner / Community Design — 2019

Waterview North Annotated Concept

NZILA Category Winner / Infrastructure — 2019

Image: uploads/2019_09/Entrance-Render_Page_8_89_1340_c.jpg
The Isle of Iwi: The Matiu Island Development Project

NZILA Category Winner Student — 2019

The Pod at night. Image Credit: Nathan Young, Wraight + Associates
Sylvia Park: Plaza and Dining Lane

NZILA Award of Excellence / Commercial — 2019

Marine Parade Napier
Marine Parade

NZILA Award of Excellence / Parks — 2019

Image: uploads/2019_04/VWPhoto-0065_1_5mb.jpg
The Quays

NZILA Award of Excellence / Urban Spaces — 2019

Utilising the new pier for diving and swimming has introduced a lost quality
of spectacle to the water's edge_
Access to Water, Tauranga Waterfront

NZILA Award of Excellence / Urban Spaces — 2019

Aerial Perspective of Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan_
Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan

NZILA Award of Excellence / Strategic Landscape Planning — 2019

Image: uploads/2019_04/LFDR8039E.jpg
An Accessible City - Phase 1

NZILA Award of Excellence / Infrastructure — 2019

Wetlands in the wider surroundings with Wetland Bridge in the distance_
Vaughans Stream Corridor, Long Bay

NZILA Award of Excellence / Infrastructure — 2019