The objective of the institute is to promote the profession of landscape architecture throughout New Zealand, and to promote the appropriate and sustainable protection, planning, design, intervention and management of our landscapes.
Advocacy plays a critical role in the field of landscape architecture, as it involves promoting the value of well-designed outdoor spaces and the importance of sustainable and environmentally responsible design practices. As advocates, landscape architects are tasked with communicating the benefits of their work to various stakeholders, including clients, policymakers, and the public at large.
One important aspect of advocacy for landscape architects is promoting the idea that well-designed outdoor spaces can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of communities. By creating spaces that promote physical activity, social interaction, and access to nature, landscape architects can help improve the overall quality of life for residents of a given area.
In addition to promoting the benefits of their work, landscape architects must also advocate for sustainable design practices that prioritize environmental responsibility. This involves incorporating strategies such as water conservation, use of native plant species, and incorporation of renewable energy sources into their designs.
Effective advocacy also involves engaging with policymakers to promote the importance of investing in well-designed public spaces. By making a case for the economic, social, and environmental benefits of landscape architecture, advocates can help secure funding and support for projects that will benefit communities for years to come.