Through award of Fellowship, the NZILA recognises its leaders, innovators and ambassadors, and those who have made a special contribution to the development and promotion of the profession.
The designation of Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora is conferred upon senior members of the profession, recognising their distinguished work, expertise and particular contribution to landscape, landscape architecture and the profession.
Fellowships have been conferred upon the following:
Melean Absolum
Clive Anstey
Neil Aitken *
Mike Barthelmeh
Earl Bennett *
Chris Bentley
Dr Frank Boffa *
Dr Jacky Bowring
Shannon Bray
John Brenkley
Stephen Brown
Mary Buckland
Neil Challenger
Sarah Collins
Brad Coombs
John Darby
Renée Davies
Rachel de Lambert
Steve Dunn
Grant Edge
Boyden Evans
Garth Falconer
Chris Glasson
John Goodwin
Catherine Hamilton
Nicola Henderson
John Hudson *
David Irwin
Ross Jackson *
Ralph Johns
Ralf Krüger
Gavin Lister
Di Lucas *
Shona McCahon
David Mckenzie
Dan Males
Dr Diane Menzies *
Tony Milne
Donald Miskell
Mary Monzingo
Jenny Moore
Sally Peake
Alan Petrie
Craig Pocock
John Potter
Helen Preston Jones
Allan Rackham
Peter Rough *
Rebecca Ryder
Dennis Scott *
Simon Swaffield *
Mike Thomas
Nicole Thompson
Steve Thompson
William Thresher
Alan Titchener *
Robert Watson
Julia Williams
Jan Woodhouse *
* Life Member
In Memoriam:
Charlie Challenger
Helmut Einhorn
Ron Flook
Robin Gay
Megan Wraight
A call for Fellows is issued annually in August.