

Award winning projects from the Institute's bi-annual awards.

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Ōtamahua: The past, the present, the future

NZILA Award of Excellence Student — 2022

Exploring urban habitats through tactile learning tools.
Envisioning Predator Free Miramar

NZILA Award of Excellence Student — 2022

Bird Hides
Towards co-creation: A design-led study of ecological shifts in the tidal margin.

NZILA Award of Excellence Student — 2022

Traditions of burial
Ecological experience in Aotearoa's deathscapes

NZILA Category Winner Student — 2022

Victoria Square Memorial_
Te Papa Ōtākaro Avon River Park

NZILA Category Winner / Urban Spaces — 2019, NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award — 2019

Sunrise, Ātea a Rangi
Ātea a Rangi, Waitangi Regional Park

NZILA Category Winner / Te Karanga o te Tui — 2019

Oakley Creek
Te Auaunga Oakley Creek

NZILA Award of Excellence / Parks — 2019, NZILA Category Winner / Sustainability — 2019, NZILA Award of Excellence / Te Karanga o te Tui — 2019

An air of tranquility
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools

NZILA Category Winner Enduring — 2019

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Ferry Basin

NZILA Category Winner / Unbuilt Visionary — 2019

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Riddiford Gardens and Civic Park, Lower Hutt

NZILA Category Winner / Parks — 2019

View from the herb garden across the pond, through the tall miscanthus, towards the Chris Booth sculture.
Garden at The Hills

NZILA Category Winner / Residential Single Dwelling — 2019

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Chimpanzee Park

NZILA Category Winner / Playgrounds — 2019