- NZILA Category Joint Winner Research and Communication — 2022
Kia Whakanuia te Whenua challenges, augments and extends the corpus of Indigenous Aotearoa landscape architecture. It explores the spiritual connection Māori have with the land and it concludes by connecting the spiritual to our wellbeing.
It promotes kaitiakitanga by embedding the principles of environmental mauri throughout the writings. It uses evocative images to support the stories focusing all readers’ attention on the passionate discussion on the alienation of mana whenua, how this is visible in the landscape and how alienation might be changed.
Judges’ Citation:
The Landscape Foundation publication Kia Whakanuia te Whenua is a game changer offering a much needed compendium of perspectives on game changing. The reset button (control alt delete) has been activated and Kia Whakanuia te Whenua is very timely as part of our journey of exploration and maturity as a profession in Aotearoa through recognition of Te ao Maori under the framework of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The book promotes kaitiakitanga by embedding the principles of environmental mauri throughout the writings. Praise for the work has come in from far and wide, recognising the book as a kind of wayfaring device, a richly woven approach to the exploration of whenua from multiple perspectives.
Many others from outside the profession also hold this book in high esteem as essential reading and understanding, and landscape architecture can be proud to be at the core of such an influential and engaging resource.
Landscape Foundation
Landscape Foundation
Internal collaborators:
Diane Menzies, Jan Woodhouse, Sarah Collins, Will Thresher, Sam Bourne
External collaborators:
Carolyn Hill as Editor, 45 Authors, Jose McClutchie - photographer, Waiari MacMillan - artist, Sophia Egan Reid - Publisher