

Award winning projects from the Institute's bi-annual awards.

Photo: Josh Joe
Tahitai—one tide, one journey

NZILA Award of Excellence Transport — 2022

Napier Landscape Study
Napier Landscape Study

NZILA Award of Excellence Resource Management and Strategic Planning — 2022

City Centre Design Collective
City Centre Design Collective

NZILA Award of Excellence Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy — 2022

Ngāmotu New Plymouth City Centre Strategy.
Ngāmotu New Plymouth City Centre Strategy

NZILA Award of Excellence Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy — 2022

Te Mahere Aranga Tuatoru: A 30 Year Overall Plan for Parihaka
Te Mahere Aranga Tuatoru: A 30 Year Overall Plan for Parihaka

NZILA Te Karanga O Te Tui Special Recognition — 2022, NZILA Award of Excellence Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy — 2022

Conceptual timber shelter with seating for Manukiri, depicting whale ribs.
Murihiku Marae Ātea

NZILA Award of Excellence He Iti Pounamu — 2022

‘Fantame Street was the right place for Porirua’s first go at using the
new tactical urbanism process, due to having lower traffic volumes,
a small neighbourhood centre with few intersections, and a strong
neighbourhood culture anchored by Russell School and Pukerau
Eastern Porirua – People Changing Streets

NZILA Award of Excellence He Iti Pounamu — 2022

Children discuss their experiences of the spaces they play and move about in, locating them spatially on a large aerial.
Place Cadets at Phillipstown Hub: Exploring design thinking

NZILA Category Joint Winner He Iti Pounamu — 2022

Sale Street, Te Pokapū Taone, Tāmaki Makaurau
Te Maharatanga o Ngā Wai - remembering our waters

NZILA Category Joint Winner He Iti Pounamu — 2022

Beca Carbon Footprints of Rain Gardens: Comparison
The Carbon Footprints of Urban Rain Gardens

NZILA Award of Excellence Research and Communication — 2022

Image: uploads/2022_01/Te_Tangi_a_te_Manu_03.jpg
Te Tangi a Te Manu: Aotearoa New Zealand Landscape Assessment Guidelines

NZILA Category Joint Winner Research and Communication — 2022

Book Cover
Kia Whakanuia te Whenua

NZILA Category Joint Winner Research and Communication — 2022