Tēnārā koutou katoa! Greetings to you all!
Karanga mai... Here is the call…
Haere mai ki Heretaunga Horanuku Hora Kai! Come to Hastings Edible Landscapes!
The 2025 NZILA Firth Wānanga will take place in Heretaunga Hastings on 22-23 May. You don't want to miss it!
Ticket information
Venue and travel

You are invited into the story of our edible landscape as a template for the 2025 Hui a Tau Annual Conference to discuss and contemplate the importance of food sovereignty and the problems, challenges, solutions, and opportunities for edible landscapes in everyday public spaces and in industrial food production.
Nau mai! Haere mai!
The 2025 NZILA Firth Wānanga will take place in Heretaunga Hastings on 22-23 May. You don't want to miss it!
This is your event and your time to network and share with members from across the motu! By members for members. Thanks to the creative panel:
Lizzie Burn
Joshua Hunt
Ashleigh Hunter
Daniel McEwan
Shannon Bray
William Hatton
Thanks to our partners for making this happen!