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Presidents Update

Posted 01 07 2019

in News

NZILA President - Brad Coombs
NZILA President - Brad Coombs

June 2019

Kia ora e te whanau,

Nga mihi o te ra. 

June has been another busy month, with a number of hui and events around the country.  

The month started with the ABC of Lighting workshops, generously sponsored by MHL and WE-EF.   The workshops were well attended. 
Thanks again to MHL and WE-EF for sponsorship and to our operational team and our Branches for making sure that logistics came together.   

Thanks to the sponsorship of Streetscape the Institute is excited about the up and coming NZILA Streetscape Speaker Series with Catherine Mosbach the founder of Paris-based design firm Mosbach paysagistes. The lectures will be in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch.  Make sure you register soon to avoid missing out.

I have been asked to be a judge for the 2019 APR IFLA Awards and I am part way through looking at (sitting at my desk unfortunately) 32 projects from the Asia Pacific Rim region.  The Awards ceremony will be held at the APR IFLA Conference in Cebu City in the Philippines on 7 and 8 November.  I am looking forward to seeing who the winners are. 

I have also been asked to be a judge for the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) 2019 awards.  I will start looking at the entries soon and I am taking a quick trip to Singapore for an on-site judging day on 20 July.   

Before turning myself into a part time awards judge, I have also had ongoing korero over the last month or so with various members of Te Tau a Nuku, in relation to the upcoming conference in Ōtautahi to engagement on the Landscape Guidelines.  

The korero with Te Tau a Nuku on the Landscape Guidelines marks the beginning of engagement with our wider membership.  Keep an eye out for your chance to learn more and to be involved in the refinement of the guidelines over the coming months.  

The 2019 NZILA Firth Conference, continues to gain momentum, with Kristina Hill, Bjorn Low, Antwi Akom and Ng Sek San joining the previously confirmed Julie Bargmann in our impressive list of international speakers.  I have just completed my registration for the Conference.  Have you? 

The Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards 2019 judging is well underway.  Best of luck to all of the shortlisted entries.  I’m looking forward to the Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards 2019 Dinner on
8 November to mark the end of the Conference.

Lastly, our new Executive Committee met for the first time together on Friday in Wellington.  Topics packed into a very full agenda ranged from the Landscape Guidelines, to the Governance Review, our fledgling Climate Change Group, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Design (MHUD) workshops, our financial policy and the 2019 NZILA Firth Conference.  Thanks to Studio Pacific for your hospitality and to the Executive Committee for bringing your energy and ideas to the table.    

As always, if you have anything you want to share with me, then please drop me a line,   

Mā te wā,