Te Tangi a te Manu
Te Tangi a te Manu Aotearoa New Zealand Landscape Assessment Guidelines
Te Tangi a te Manu are landscape assessment guidelines for those involved in statutory planning in Aotearoa New Zealand – although they are likely to be of value to all who are interested in landscape.
A key feature of the Guidelines is that they promote a bi-cultural approach between Te Ao Māori and Western perspectives. They are also characterised by the principle that the role of an assessor is to assist others understand landscape, hence they promote explanation of professional opinion and clear, jargon-free language.
The Guidelines were designed to capture the profession’s best practice. Their preparation included a collaborative approach with Te Tau-a-Nuku – a collective of Māori landscape architects – a review of international practice, and iterative consultation with practitioners. They were subsequently adopted unanimously at the 2021 AGM of Tuia Pito Ora New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA).
Te Tangi a te Manu is also intended to provide a framework for practice to continue evolving. It eschews formulaic methods. It provides a platform of concepts and principles, while also including ‘quick guides’ to help less experienced practitioners.
Te Tangi a te Manu has been promoted by the Chief Environment Court Judge as a model that other professions might follow and is now being referenced in court decisions. It won awards from the NZILA in 2022 and the Resource Management Law Association in 2023.

The pdf version of the full book is now available here.
For ease of use individual chapters of Te Tangi a te Manu are now available to download below.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
We currently have a stock of Te Tangi a Te Manu books for sale, please contact admin@nzila.co.nz if you would like a copy.