Climate Action Policy
“Climate change is the defining issue of our time” - Sir David Attenborough 2018
Section A: NZILA Policy on Climate Action
NZILA has ratified the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Climate Action Commitment to:
1) Advance the UN (United Nations) Sustainable Development Goals
2) Attain global net zero carbon emissions by 2040.
3) Learn from cultural knowledge systems.
4) Advocate for climate justice and social wellbeing.
5) Enhance the capacity & resilience of liveable cities and communities.
6) Galvanise climate leadership
Section B: Purpose of Climate Action Objectives
1) These draft objectives provide direction and milestones for climate action by NZILA and its members in meeting our international climate action policy commitment.
2) The objectives will be developed in the context of an evolving Aotearoa New Zealand principles-based approach to landscape architecture practice that combines Te Ao Maori and Te Ao Pakeha knowledge and approaches to landscape architecture, giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. (see Te Tangi o te Manu Aotearoa New Zealand Landscape Assessment Guidelines, 2022.)
3) The objectives are an evolving roadmap for climate action. They define climate action by landscape architects (Section C1), provide resources and support to NZILA members in their professional climate actions(Section D1), encourage leadership and collaboration (Section D2), and guide NZILA policy and advocacy by landscape architects within the wider community (Section D3).
Section C: Definitions
1) Climate Action is the term we use to mean professional activity by landscape architects to avoid, reduce, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation)
and to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity of our clients and communities to climate change impacts (adaptation) (see UNDP Sustainable Development Goal 13). (Also see IFLA ClimateACTION! 2019-2021.)
Section D: Objectives
1.0. Support for NZILA Members
1.1 Provide climate action resources to guide and inform members:
1.1.1 Maintain a Climate Action Working Group
1.1.2 Create and bi-annually review and update a Climate Action Plan
1.1.3 Add Climate Action to the website, including resources
1.1.4 Investigate funding mechanisms for climate action resources
1.2 Deliver Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on Climate Action
1.2.1 Develop a coordinated program of climate action CPD
1.2.2 Deliver a minimum number of Climate Action CPD points annually
1.2.3 Investigate and establish learning partners
1.3 Support NZILA members in understanding the impacts of their Climate Action work
1.3.1 Provide guidance and support on using Climate Action tools ( eg carbon calculators)
1.3.2 Provide guidance on measuring and evaluating carbon impacts and benefits
1.4 Encourage and reward climate action by members
1.4.1 Incorporate climate action into the NZILA Awards
1.4.2 Investigate other means of providing incentives for members to invest in climate action
1.5 Encourage members and practices to operate as low to zero-carbon businesses
1.6 Increase emphasis on climate action in landscape architecture education and registration
1.6.1 Engage with education providers to identify opportunities to increase climate action knowledge and practice within Landscape architecture programs
1.6.2 Add climate action understanding as a requirement of becoming a Registered Landscape Architect
2.0 Leadership and Collaboration
2.1 Collaborate with Te Tau a Nuku in developing Climate Action policy, programmes and resources To be developed.
2.2 Encourage discussion, dialogue and collaboration on climate action within the profession
2.2.1 Facilitate a discussion forum focused upon climate action
2.2.2 Investigate opportunities for a climate action conference or series of talks / events
2.3 Collaborate with international landscape architectural associations
2.3.1 Review how other international associations implementing climate action
2.4 Work with allied professions to implement and advocate for integrated climate action
2.4.1 Review how allied professions understand climate action and implement climate action projects
2.4.2 Develop an engagement and climate leadership strategy for built environment professionals
2.5 Engage with allied organisations, businesses and tertiary institutions
2.5.1 Develop an engagement strategy
2.5.2 Share knowledge and experience
3.0 Policy and Advocacy
3.1 Influence and advocate for local and national policy on landscape responses to the climate emergency
3.1.1 Promote our commitment to climate action and the skills and solutions we can offer
3.1.2 Contribute to the development of national, regional and district policies on climate action
3.1.3 Review and recommend how to incorporate climate action into other NZILA policies
3.2 Position the contribution of landscape-based climate action with key national stakeholders
3.2.1 Engage with all levels of government, relevant sectors and NGOs
3.3 Provide resources to members to support and encourage engagement with the media on climate action
3.3.1 Provide guidance to NZILA members on language, use of terms, and definitions
3.3.2 Facilitate public discourse and debate within the sector
3.3.3 Develop a collaborative relationship with the media