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IFLA Asia Pacific Region Newsletter

Posted 27 11 2022

in News

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November Edition

Featured in this Edition:

IFLA APR Talk & Share 4: Less than a week to register! Don't miss this session on Potential of design science in the new century as climate change and large-scale disasters become the norm!

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YLAA 2022 Design Ideas Competition: The Young Landscape Architect Alliance (YLAA) of IFLA APR is inviting submissions for its 2022 Design Ideas Competition, in-SIGHT: Recreating Spaces of Today into Better, Liveable, and Comfortable Spaces for Tomorrow.

Call for Papers: SEEDS: Seeds aims to generate a multicultural vocabulary. Seeds’ call for papers invites students, researchers, and professionals to launch new words that will build or would like to build the landscape of the future. 

Contribute to our IFLA APR Newsletter: We invite you to submit your articles or events to us. Get your voice heard, your piece could be featured here and on the IFLA APR website! Let us know your intention to submit now.