

Become a member
Rejoin NZILA

The NZILA welcomes new members at anytime, and we have a number of different membership categories that reflect our diverse membership. Being a member of NZILA gives you full access to the resources in the members only section of this website (with the exception of Subscriber Facility). Members are also able to attend national and branch functions, which encourage sharing of knowledge and professional development.


NZILA Graduate Landscape Architect
A person who has an NZILA accredited degree in Landscape Architecture or an IFLA recognised degree but has yet to complete the Institute's professional practice exam for Registered membership usually falls within our Graduate category. Members in this category are able to join the mentoring programme that helps graduates attain the necessary experience and skill to become a Registered Landscape Architect.

2025 Membership Fee - G1/2 $245
2025 Membership Fee - G3/4 $545
2025 Membership Fee - G5/+ $715

Nb/ if joining NZILA as a Graduate member with an overseas qualification then you will need to submit evidence that the qualification is an IFLA recognised degree

NZILA Registered Landscape Architect
To become a Registered Landscape Architect they will have completed an accredited degree in landscape architecture (either in New Zealand or abroad), completed a mandatory 96 week practical experience as a landscape architect and passed the Institute's professional practice exam. 

2025 Membership Fee - $715

NZILA Affiliate Member
If you do not have an accredited degree in landscape architecture, but an individual who has strong connections to the profession, then you might like to consider joining as an Affiliate. This category provides you full access to the members area and enables you to join national and branch activities.

2025 Membership Fee - $390

Application for Concessionary Rate:
Members may apply in special circumstances for the concessionary rate ie low income caused by sickness, on maternity leave, part time parenting and other special circumstances. For more information please contact the NZILA office.

Overseas Rate:

Members travelling or working overseas should contact the NZILA office to ensure that the Institute retains accurate contact information. Reduced rates are available to members who are located overseas.

Retired Rate:
Those who are retired and wish to remain a member of NZILA can do so whilst paying a reduced membership subscription.  If you are a Registered member then as long as CPD is being maintained then your status remains as Registered. For more information please contact the NZILA office

Student Member Category
The NZILA welcomes student members currently studying in Landscape Architecture courses accredited by NZILA.  This membership is complimentary.

Student membership includes:

  • Monthly NZILA E-communications
  • News items from respective local branches
  • Invites to events hosted by local Branches (at the discretion of the branch)
  • Access to social media
  • Ability to attend NZILA workshops, Conferences and Branch Events (charge applies)
  • Opportunity to enter NZILA awards (charge applies)
  • Advanced 'student' tickets for events (charges apply) e.g. Conference, Wananga

If you would like to sign up to the free student membership please contact your education provider.

NZILA Subscriber (not a membership category)
The purpose of the NZILA Subscriber is to provide a means of communicating with and informing members of the public, corporate bodies, suppliers, institutions, agencies and those in both in New Zealand and overseas who are interested in Landscape Architecture and who wish to be kept informed.

2025 Fee - Individual Subscriber $150
2025 Fee - Corporate Subscriber $379.50

For more information about our Subscriber Facility, please contact us.

Subscriber appliction form can be found here.


By working together, landscape architecture professionals can leverage their numbers and expertise to help shape the political landscape and positively impact public policy. Belonging to NZILA allows members to share resources and effectively communicate with each other and the community about issues important to the profession.

  • Professional support and recognition for members
  • Free listing for members on the website, connecting clients with service
  • Professional promotion through providing information about landscape architecture and landscape architecture services and media advertisement
  • Administrative guidance and support to landscape architects and the profession
  • Sets education requirements and monitors standards through accreditation
  • Quality assurance through Registration programme and Code of Conduct
  • Promoting landscape architecture and the work of members eg through celebration and awards
  • Promotes continuing professional development (CPD) and provides local CPD opportunities and benchmarking
  • Provides a first point of contact for members, employers, public and other professions/industry
  • Disseminates information and news for members through website
  • Provides best practice notes and guidance
  • Support for members in disputes with clients/public

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