President's Update December 2024
Posted 19 12 2024
in News

Kia ora koutou,
Here we are at the end of 2024. It’s been a busy and challenging year in many ways, but also one that has brought opportunity and progress for the Institute.
Highlights for me this year include:
- Representing NZILA at IFLA World Congress and continuing to build the profile of our small but mighty Aotearoa New Zealand on the global stage
- The successful delivery of the 2024 wānanga where we delved into our key strategic pillars of climate adaptation and mitigation and te ao māori, and brought everyone together with the new team and structure for the first time
- The awards gala dinner where we got to see the incredible work being done by you, our members, and celebrate your successes
- The Environmental Legislation group’s submissions to Te Papa Atawhai DOC’s New Zealand Coastal Policy statement and to the Expert Advisory Group on the Stage 3 – RMA replacement
The Board and team are feeling positive heading for 2025 – with our Mahere Rautaki in place to guide our way, and a more structured framework for CPD in the making to ensure you’re getting the best from your membership to continue to grow and thrive. There’s still work to be done but we’re committed to continued advocacy for our profession and our members.
Looking ahead our priorities include
- ensuring our constitution meets the legal obligations of the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022
- continuing to grow and strengthen our strategic partnerships with aligned professions and associations, and Ngā Aho
- delivering membership benefit to you including
- more resources and structured CPD opportunities aligned with our key strategic pillars for your continued education and development,
- support with opportunities to stay connected with us and each other through networking, events, job advertisements, volunteer opportunities, and
- developing international recognition for our professional standards of practice
- providing more support and frameworks across the working groups and branches network to enable local connection
I’m very much looking forward to the 2025 NZILA Firth Wānanga in Hastings as our annual opportunity to bring so many of you together to network and share knowledge. Community and connection is so important to keep moving forward. Thank you to the Creative Panel who have worked hard on the theme and programme – Edible Landscapes is such a relevant topic for not only Landscape Architecture, but for the future of Aotearoa and our communities. I’m excited for what’s planned, and invite you, if you can, to purchase your earlybird tickets to join us.
Thank you to everyone who has given time and expertise to the Institute this year – my fellow Board members, our working groups, panels, branch committees, session facilitators, speakers, everyone who has shared knowledge and completed submissions. NZILA thrives through your willingness to get involved.
To our commercial partners, we thank you for your continued support and look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationships and opportunities into 2025.
And a heartfelt thanks to our management team who have worked incredibly hard under the leadership of Angela Hunter, to future proof our Institute.
A special shout out to Trinity Beardmore, our Administration Officer, who will be leaving us in mid-January after a year and a half of keeping things ticking along behind the scenes. Thank you for all your hard mahi, Trinity, we wish you well for everything you do next.
Wishing you all a restful and happy holiday and look forward to connecting more in 2025.
Ngā manaakitanga,
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