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Scam emails circulating

Posted 19 09 2024

in News

Image: uploads/2024_09/scam_alert.jpg

We'd like to remind you that NZILA would not share or sell your details.

There are several emails circulating offering access to a list of conference attendees' contact details. Please do not reply or click any links, this is not legitimate.  

Here’s how the scam works
Scammers utilise web crawlers or email “scraper” programs to gather data from social media platforms. They seek out information such as exhibitor lists that are readily available on Google, to pinpoint target companies. Analysing the email patterns of these companies, scammers test various formats and send out phishing emails to verify valid addresses. Subsequently, they launch mass email campaigns to assess the legitimacy of the gathered email addresses. 

You'll usually find that last sentence of the email says "If you don’t wish to receive this type of mail please reply with REMOVE in subject line” or something to that effect. This is to get you to respond so that the sender can confirm that your email is valid. 

Your best course of action is to not respond.