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NZILA Oral Submission - Select Committee

Posted 05 06 2024

in News

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Fast Track Approvals Bill

Yesterday, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora (NZILA) RMA Working Group Chair, Shannon Bray, made an oral submission to members of the Select Committee on the Fast Track Bill.

Shannon asked members to consider a landscape close to their hearts, and what it would mean if that landscape was changed without their consideration, without the opportunity to share their experiences and values associated with the landscape. Without the voice of community. This speaks to the key points made in the NZILA written submission:

1. The landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand have significant value to us as people. Landscape is core to our identity, reflecting the connection between people and place. Definitions of landscape, and of environment, centre around the inclusion of people as a core part.

2. Our landscapes play an important role in our economic, social and mental wellbeing, both as individuals and as a community.

3. All landscapes are important, not just our National Parks, but also our coastal, rural and urban landscapes.

4. People and communities must be given the opportunity to have their say on projects that affect the landscape around them, particularly those projects that will result in significant and/or permanent landscape change.

5. It is important that elected representatives make decisions on the future of our landscapes and our environments with a full understanding of the effects on the people and communities that they represent.

6. Decisions on landscape and environmental change should align with the concepts of Oranga o te Taiao, and in particularly the important partnerships between Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākehā.

7. Engaging with people and communities often focusses the mind on methods to avoid effects, rather than defaulting to mitigation or remediation.

Thank you to Shannon, the RMA Working Group, and all members of NZILA who made submissions on the Bill. With nearly 27000 submissions received, and almost 350 hours of oral submissions to be heard, it will be some time before the Select Committee can offer a timeframe for their report.

Updates will be posted here as well as on social media channels.


Watch the video HERE.