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Haere rā to the Executive Committee

Posted 20 07 2023

in News

Departing Executive Committee Members (left to right): Meg Back, Rebecca Ryder, Henry Crothers (screen), Megan Harshey, Melissa Davis, John Brenkley, Dan Males. Apology: William Hatton.
Departing Executive Committee Members (left to right): Meg Back, Rebecca Ryder, Henry Crothers (screen), Megan Harshey, Melissa Davis, John Brenkley, Dan Males. Apology: William Hatton.

A final message from Henry:

Its been a pleasure to work alongside the out-going committee of Rebecca Ryder (vice president/treasurer), John Brenkley (secretary), Meg Back, Melissa Davis, Megan Harshey Dan Males and William Hatton. Thank you for you mahi over what has been a significant couple of years celebrating our successes, acknowledging important milestones and delivering these important changes for the future of the Institute.
As we welcome Angela Hunter, new Chief Operating Offcer and her team into the fold, a special thanks to Vicki Clague, departing COO, and Claire Watson for their commitment and contribution over the past 10 years.
The existing Executive Committee will be on hand over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition for the new board and staff and we wish them every success.

The final Executive Committee meeting was held in Christchurch on 19 July.