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IFLA Asia Pacific Region Newsletter

Posted 16 02 2023

in News

"A nation that forgets its past can function no better than an individual with amnesia." David McCullough

February Edition

Featured in this Edition:

President's Corner: Damian Tang - Role of our professional organisation – Have you ever questioned whether the role of our professional organisation is merely giving membership and providing relevant information to members just to keep them updated of our profession?

Move On or Hold On: A Conundrum in the Malaysian Historic Landscape Narrative - Bandar Hilir Melaka is an indulging location for those with a strong passion for cultural and historical richness. With more than 400 years of colonial history, one can experience unique architectural typologies and landscapes that have evolved since the Portuguese occupation. 

Contribute to our IFLA APR Newsletter! - Want to share your opinion or expertise on landscape architecture with the IFLA APR community of more than 10,000? Have an event you think the community would be interested to attend?