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NZILA Professional Registration Programme

Posted 18 01 2023

in News

John Potter presenting Monica Bainbridge with her Registration Certificate at the 2022 NZILA Firth Conference welcome function.
John Potter presenting Monica Bainbridge with her Registration Certificate at the 2022 NZILA Firth Conference welcome function.


John Potter
The NZILA Registration Panel Chair, John Potter will be stepping down after his two year tenure and previously another two years as deputy Registration Panel Chair. We want to sincerely thank John for his significant, valuable and professional contribution to the Institute, coordinating this programme, attending so many registration interviews and shepherding many of our members through the final stages of their journey toward achieving their Registered status.

Martha Dravitzki
We also wish to thank Martha for giving her time and expertise to the role of Deputy Registration Panel Chair for the past two years. Martha has now succeeded to the role of NZILA Registration Panel Chair. We really appreciate the time given by our NZILA volunteers who ensure the smooth running and professionalism of these programmes.

Expression of Interest for the role of Deputy Registration Panel Chair.
We are now seeking a committed Registered Member to take the role of Deputy Chair of Registration Interview Panel. This is a two-year position with the expectation that after two years as Deputy Chair, the incumbent will take over as Panel Chair.

Like all roles within the Institute, it’s a job you do for the love of the profession, and because you realise it’s important to give back. This position is a crucial role and one that is rewarding. It is also a role that you will not be expected to do alone - you will be joining an established group of people who work on Registration. These people include the Panel Chair, the Executive Committee member holding the Professional Development Portfolio, the Registration Working Party (which includes the Branch Co-ordinators from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) and the Institute’s administrative support team.

The 2022 newly Registered members who attended the 2022 NZILA Firth Conference welcome function. (Not all new registered members were available to attend.)
The 2022 newly Registered members who attended the 2022 NZILA Firth Conference welcome function. (Not all new registered members were available to attend.)

If you would like further information regarding the job description please contact

All expressions of interest should be emailed to by close of business Friday 17th February 2023 along with a short statement outlining your interest in the role.

Expression of Interest for the role of Wellington Branch Registration Coordinator 

A big thank you to Bruno Gilmour who stepped down as the Wellington Branch Registration Coordinator at the end of last year. Bruno helped members gain registration through the mentoring programme. We are now asking for Expressions of Interest to take on this role.

If you have any questions regarding the role please contact the
 Registration Panel Chair, Martha Dravitzki

Mentoring Programme
If you are interested in becoming a registered member and attending the registration interviews in 2024 you will need to enrol in the mentoring programme before 1 August 2023. For more information on the programme click here, you will need to be logged into the site to access this information.