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The latest President’s update from Henry Crothers

Posted 09 11 2022

in News

NZILA President Henry Crothers
NZILA President Henry Crothers

November's Update

Here we are in November with a moment to reflect after an extremely busy few months for the Institute, our profession and our people.

Conference and Awards success
Our 2022 NZILA Firth Conference and Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards Gala Dinner were huge successes and especially important as it allowed us to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Tuia Pito Ora New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects.

Congratulations to all our winners, along with our new Life Members, Fellows and President’s Award recipients.  I’d like to thank all involved in organising and shaping those very special three days and thank those too who have sent us feedback. We are working through all the feedback which will help with the organisation of future events.

Our conference presentations are now live for you to view in the CPD section of the website. Dr Emily Lane's presentation on Aotearoa Flooding had a huge impact on delegates and can be viewed here.

Tuia Pito Ora - Te Whakaahua
There is one final 50th commemoration and that is our book, Tuia Pito Ora - Te Whakaahua, which is a snapshot of the people, projects and events that shaped the first 50 years of the Institute. Pre-ordered copies have been sent out. If you would like to order a copy please click here.

2023 NZILA Firth Conference
Speaking of future NZILA events - we are excited to announce that the 2023 NZILA Firth Conference will be held in Whakatū Nelson on 18 and 19 May next year with the AGM scheduled for 17 May.  Work on this event is well underway so watch this space as we will be announcing the theme, keynote speakers and circulating the Call for Abstracts very soon.

Registration Interviews
Thanks to our Registration Panel Chair, John Potter and the 15 Panelists who are hosting the 2022 registration interviews online this week. This year we have 25 applicants and it is fantastic to see our graduate members investing in their futures and extending their knowledge and skillsets. It is worth reiterating here that NZILA is the professional body representing and working for qualified landscape architects in Aotearoa New Zealand. Registration is a vital part of that role. 

The Executive Committee is currently progressing its re-write of the Constitution and this will be circulated to members early December with a Special General Meeting (SGM) scheduled later in the month. Details will be communicated to all members soon. The SGM will be held online.

Working Groups
This week the COP27 United Nations Climate talks are on in Egypt so it is worth highlighting one of our groups, the Climate Action Working Group. This group was set up this year and is made up of members Rebecca Jerram, Matthew Bradbury, Craig Pocock, Simon Swaffield, Henry Crothers, Courtenay Northcott, Mark Lewis and Meg Back. Matthew Bradbury says the group was established to help Institute members understand what the effects of climate change will be on the profession. He says the group has developed a mission statement which was presented as a poster at last month’s conference, as well as a request for conference delegates to contribute their own thoughts as to how the Institute should help its members grapple with what can seem an overwhelming issue. Matthew says the group will be developing practical and strategic advice for members next year.

That’s me for now - ngā manaakitanga
Henry Crothers