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The latest President’s update from Henry Crothers

Posted 23 09 2022

in News

NZILA President Henry Crothers
NZILA President Henry Crothers

September's Update

Kia ora koutou,

As we near the end of September, we are also on the final countdown to the 2022 NZILA Firth Conference being held in Tāmaki Makaurau on 11-13 October followed by the Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards gala dinner, all held at the Cordis Hotel. This conference will, of course, serve to celebrate NZILA’s 50th anniversary and I look forward to looking back, and forwards, as we gather together to mark this hugely significant milestone.

Te Tangi a te Manu Auckland Branch workshop
Te Tangi a te Manu Auckland Branch workshop
Rachel de Lambert presenting at the Te Tangi a te Manu workshop
Rachel de Lambert presenting at the Te Tangi a te Manu workshop

Te Tangi a te Manu
Also significant was the NZILA launch event for Te Tangi a te Manu at the new Isthmus Auckland studio at the end of August. You can see more images from the launch event here. Auckland branch chair, Matt Jones, who was MC for the evening, said it was great to celebrate the book and to confirm how important Te Tangi a te Manu will be for our profession. The authors have recently been on the road with workshops held in Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington and Auckland educating members on the guidelines.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei wānanga
Earlier this week Ngāti Whātua hosted more than a hundred Auckland members at Ōrākei marae. It was an important opportunity for us to meet, to korero in order to bring about a greater understanding between landscape architects and this iwi as we continue our kaupapa, our collaboration and commitment to continue to work together. Around half attending hadn’t been on this or any other marae before which highlights how important the event was. I believe it has garnered genuine connection, and provided clarity on our different, and shared perspectives. Mana whenua and landscape architects share many values so it makes sense to continue to work together so we can build on the potential.

Dr Bruno Marques takes over as IFLA President
Bruno Marques from the faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation at Victoria University of Wellington is now the new IFLA president, taking over from James Hayter following the IFLA World Congress in Gwangju which began on August 31. You can see Bruno talking about his new position here.

ILFA awards for Reset Urban Design
Congratulations to Reset Urban Design for winning two awards which were announced at the IFLA congress. The Auckland/Wanaka based practice got two Honourable Mention nods for Climate Crisis response projects in the Cook Islands in the Unbuilt Projects: analysis and planning category. You can read about the awards here.

Working Groups
We have a number of active working groups tackling key issues including climate change, advocacy, urban design and a newly formed group looking at an update to BPG10.2, the Visual Simulations Best Practice Guide. The Climate Change working group is defining a clear course of action, reviewing existing resources and meeting with AILA members who have generously allowed us to access their materials as a base. We expect to release a series of helpful resources soon including five things you need to know and five things you need to do. Look out for more information at conference including the opportunity for questions and feedback.

The Urban Design working group has been working to define and cement our place at the heart of urban design. Upcoming initiatives include an alternative urban design based awards programme and involvement at the upcoming urban design conference.

After a strong response with a range of highly skilled practitioners putting their names forward, Paul Smith will begin a programme of initial meetings shortly to work on the update to BPG10.2. It was felt given the close interrelationship, that immediately post the launch of and information sessions for Te Tangi a te Manu would be an ideal time to begin this kaupapa.

We’re pleased to also be able to work with some of landscape architecture’s key practitioners to look at a Rural Landscape Working group. More to come on that soon.

Health and Safety
I want to thank the Executive Committee and in house team and all volunteers for their work. It has been a busy year in the lead up to our celebrations.

A reminder in all dealings with each other, members and Institute staff to please be respectful. Ideally this would go without saying but as we head towards conference we appreciate many of our people are under extra pressure.

He aha te mea nui? Māku e kii atu, he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.

Tāmaki Makaurau Wānanga with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Tāmaki Makaurau Wānanga with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Tāmaki Makaurau Wānanga with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Tāmaki Makaurau Wānanga with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei