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Meet the new members of IFLA's Executive Committee

Posted 23 08 2022

in News

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IFLA is delighted to announce its members have elected 5 new officers as part of the IFLA Executive Committee.

Following recent World Level elections Bruno Marques has been elected as IFLA President, Hermann Georg Gunlauggsson as IFLA Treasurer,  Kharbal Kaltho will be our new IFLA Standing Committee Chair on Communications and External Relations, Julian Raxworthy is elected as IFLA Standing Committee Chair on Education and Academic Affairs and finally Indra Purs is our new IFLA Standing Committee Chair on Professional Practice and Policy.

Our new members will commence their roles immediately after the World Council Meeting 2022 and ending immediately after the World Council Meeting 2024, with the exception of IFLA Treasurer whose office will start on 1 of January 2023 and end on 31 December 2024.

You can read more about the new members here.

With the election of new members that does of course mean we have to say goodbye to some very respected and valued members of our current ExCo. James Hayter will step down as IFLA President following 4 years leading our federation after the 2022 World Council in Gwangju, Jeremy Dennis will end his 4 year term as Treasurer, as will Monica Pallares as CER Committee Chair and Salma Samaha as EAA Chair. Finally Colleen Mercer-Clarke will finish her 2 year term as PPP Committee Chair. IFLA thanks them all for their considerable time and commitment to the federation and our profession.