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IFLA Asia Pacific Region Internship Programme

Posted 28 06 2020

in News

Message from Fumiaki TAKANO IFLA APR President

IFLA APR Internship Programme 

While I was in the U.S.A., during my school years and practice, I met inspiring people such as Lawrence Halprin, John Simonds, and Ian McHarg, and learned many things from them. Their knowledge in landscape and willingness to teach young generations, how fun it is to design moved me and later influenced my life. I want to pass this passion on to generations after me who are striving to become landscape architects.

As we all know, it is very important to gain a variety of experiences when we are young. In particular, different cultures and different natural environments would provide us with an important framework to be a landscape architect. IFLA APR will provide an online platform where design firms can register details of jobs, and prospective applicants can select offices to apply to.

Through this programme, we would like to achieve the following objectives:
- Experience different cultures and nurture mutual understandings
- Build a wider landscape community among people with different backgrounds
- Explore landscape designs/ideas that originated in Asia and the Pacific region
- Provide opportunities for hands-on experience and to understand cultural wisdom and knowledge

We are currently facing unprecedented challenges, including bushfires in Australia and the spread of the Corona virus across the world, as well as global warming and climate change. The scale of these challenges are exceeding our capacity as landscape architects. However, we should always remember to help each other and step forward together. We wish that this platform would nurture such a spirit among applicants.

Another objective that I would like to mention here is finding landscape designs unique to Asia and the Pacific region. Recently, younger generations with international experience have returned to their home countries and started to develop their own landscape languages, which are internationally highly recognised.

We can push this current further by encouraging applicants to build broader connections and be inspired by others and other cultures.

If firms/offices are interested in offering job opportunities through the online platform of IFLA APR, please provide us with the following details:

Name of organisation:
HP Address:
Contact person:
-  Name
-  Email Address
-  Phone number
- Conditions:
-  Internship period
-  Work hours
-  Types of work
-  Financial support
-  Language
-  Required skills
-  Accommodation requirements
- Photos (Office building, workspace, etc.):

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Fumiaki TAKANO
IFLA APR President