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Mitigating natural disasters through landscape design

Posted 05 08 2019

in News

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2019 NZILA Firth Conference Speaker

Dr Kristina Hill is an expert on urban and ecological adaptation strategies for coastal flooding and climate change. An associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley, she has developed a combination of analytical mapping techniques, community-based urban design and an adaptation-pathways approach to propose and evaluate design alternatives.

In 2018 Hill co-led a team in the “Resilient by Design” competition in the San Francisco Bay area. She has worked with US cities from New York to New Orleans, and Berkeley to Seattle, US federal agencies, and the Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities programme. On top of that she’s also found time to publish work in a wide range of journals and anthologies and edited the book Ecology and Design in 2002.

Dr Hill will be presenting at the 2019 NZILA Firth Conference in Christchurch in November - her visit here is sponsored by Isthmus.

Landscape Architecture Aotearoa (LAA) spoke with Dr Hill - click here to view Q & A.