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LAA Profile: Dr Jacky Bowring

Posted 31 05 2019

in News

Dr Jacky Bowring with David Irwin from Isthmus at the NZILA President’s cocktail evening earlier this year.
Dr Jacky Bowring with David Irwin from Isthmus at the NZILA President’s cocktail evening earlier this year.

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Jacky Bowring is a freshly minted NZILA fellow, and Professor of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University. She specialises in emotions and landscapes. Some of her recent work includes helping to design the memorial landscape for the Pike River Mine tragedy on the West Coast of the South Island.

Dr Bowring was also involved in designing, advising and critiquing built environment responses to the Christchurch earthquakes, and was outspoken in warning against the city’s future infrastructure being based too much on economics without taking the region’s long-term identity into consideration.

She’s written two books - A Field Guide to Melancholy and Melancholy and the Landscape.

In this video - LAA asks Dr Bowring what prompted her passion for design and the land.

To watch video click here