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NZILA Wellington Branch - Petanque

Posted 03 04 2019

in News

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March 2019

The Annual Petanque Battle Royale for 2019 featured a star studded line up of Jessie Wrigglesworth, Jacob Jenkins, Shaun Rosier, Brennan Baxley, Steve Dunn, Michael Wright and Diccon Round. Unfortunately Diccon had to leave early to go feed the kids so we were down to 6 players for the championship. The weather was superb and everyone enjoyed the round robin games, refreshments and good company.

Jessie ended up top of the competition with 4 wins from 5 matches, which she attributed to having more style, grace and poise than the rest of the crew 😊. On 3 wins each Steve and Jacob had to play off to see who would play Jessie in the final, with Steve being victorious.

The extended 5 end grand final was tense with Steve ending up a convincing winner over Jessie to take out the grand prize and bragging rights for 2019.
Of note Steve was a past winner in 2017 and so he's still the man to beat.

A very good time had by all..

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