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IFLA President James Hayter in New Zealand

Posted 03 10 2018

in News

Image: uploads/2018_10/JH.jpg

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During September IFLA president James Hayter was in the country - delivering a series of presentations on the redevelopment of past manufacturing and institutional sites in our cities and how this compels us to readjust our understanding of nature, people and culture.

Not only is he the head of IFLA but Professor Hayter is the founding director of Oxigen, a landscape architecture practice in Australia. James is a graduate of Adelaide, Sheffield and Harvard universities and currently serves as Professor in Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Adelaide. In July this year he was elected as IFLA president. James is also a Past President of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).

LAA caught up with James while he was in Auckland.

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