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Kiwi landscape architect takes on London

Posted 30 07 2018

in News

The Brick Lane project sets out 34 projects to support wayfinding.
The Brick Lane project sets out 34 projects to support wayfinding.

Bridget Law

New Zealand landscape architect Bridget Law is working in the United Kingdom after leaving New Zealand three and a half years ago. She’s a Victoria University graduate who worked for Hawkins Construction.  Before leaving New Zealand her project work included the Daldy Street Linear Park and Halsey Street upgrades in Auckland.  She also worked on the O’Connell Street upgrade, the Judges Bay sand replenishment stage 2, and the Hobsonville Primary School PPP.

She now works for Steer Davies Gleave in the UK, where her team recently won an award for work on a project involving one of the hippest, alternative culture areas, Brick Lane, in London’s East End.

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