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NZILA President welcomes the planned tourist tax

Posted 20 06 2018

in News

The NZILA president says the planned tourism levy makes sense if it helps conserve popular tourist spots like Lake Tekapo pictured here.
The NZILA president says the planned tourism levy makes sense if it helps conserve popular tourist spots like Lake Tekapo pictured here.
Electronic Travel Authority (ETA)

The proposed tourism levy, the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) has been greeted positively by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects.  President Brad Coombs says it makes sense that if implemented, the $57-$80 million collected would be targeted towards the protection of conservation values and the provision of additional tourism infrastructure to manage the increased pressure on those resources.

The Government has announced plans for an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy of between $25 and $35. It’ll apply to most foreigners entering New Zealand for 12 months or less. It won’t apply to Australians, Pacific Forum countries, transit passengers, some business travellers, children under two or diplomats.

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