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A billion trees - will the government initiative work?

Posted 19 06 2018

in News

Di Lucas would like to see the NZILA take a lead in the Billion Tree project.
Di Lucas would like to see the NZILA take a lead in the Billion Tree project.

LAA asks Di Lucas

The concept of increasing tree cover in New Zealand is theoretically a good one, says landscape architect Di Lucas, of the Government’s billion tree initiative.  Landscape Architecture Aotearoa approached Lucas for her thoughts on the initiative because of her experience in rural land use planning, vegetation change, and in forest policy dating back in the ‘80s. ”So much of the country’s been denuded of natural forest in favour of pastoral cover that we need to better address that loss”, she says.

But we also need to ensure we go about the planting in a planned and thoughtful way. “New Zealand is a land of little landscapes, so there needs to be a lot of diversity,” Lucas says. “The planting should not be broad brush, extensive, mono-cultural work because that would be disrespectful for a lot of the landscape values in this country.”

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