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Meet the new NZILA President

Posted 16 04 2018

in News

Brad Coombs (on right) after being announced as an NZILA Fellow at the 2018 NZILA Firth conference in Auckland.
Brad Coombs (on right) after being announced as an NZILA Fellow at the 2018 NZILA Firth conference in Auckland.
Isthmus' Brad Coombs

Brad Coombs is NZILA’s new president. Coombs says being new to the role, and also on the Executive, means he has a unique opportunity to take a fresh look at where the profession is at, and as an Institute, to confirm the priorities for the next three years and beyond.

“It also means I can forge my own style of leadership to deliver the change that is required to transform the NZILA - Tuia Pito Ora - into an organisation that provides the services that our membership requires.

“My first priority will be to get my head around the projects that the Executive has already initiated - particularly the Governance Review and the Landscape Guidelines, and to put in place processes to deliver them for the benefit of our members.”

His message to other members is;  “It's a really exciting time to be leading the Institute and we could see some transformational changes to our structure over the next few years, particularly around the level of service that we can provide for our members. So, be ready to take advantage of the opportunities to have your say and to help us deliver these changes.”

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