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A winning design of national significance

Posted 20 02 2018

in News

Image: uploads/2018_02/Screen_Shot_2018-02-20_at_1.44.09_pm.png
Pukeahu National War Memorial Park

The day the video was shot of the 2017 Resene NZILA Pride of Place award winning Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, conditions were perfect.  The capital sparkled as she does on the proverbial good day and a visiting dignitary was paying his respects there.  As his entourage sped off in crown cars Wellingtonians reclaimed the space - skateboarding past, doing tai chi in sheltered spots and parents began chasing toddlers over manicured lawns.  This is a nationally important urban space which works on every level.

Watch landscape architect Megan Wraight and architect John Hardwick-Smith speak on that lovely day - their pride in this project obvious and well earned. 

Watch video