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Meet - Linnea Calov Jacobsen

Posted 25 08 2017

in News

Image: uploads/2017_08/Linnea_Jacobsen.jpg
Landscape Architect at Aitkentaylor

My name is Linnea Calov Jacobsen and I’m working as a landscape architect in Blenheim, Marlborough. As a LA graduate from Copenhagen University, I was drawn to a career in New Zealand after spending a semester at Lincoln University as an exchange student. After working with Gapfiller in Christchurch I decided to settle here permanently, drawn very much by the people and the nature.

Now I work for Aitkentaylor. Aitkentaylor is a small and ambitious design company that specializes in evidence-based people-first design. I’m lucky to be involved in both large scale developments, small community-based projects and urban survey work. During my studies I focused largely on community involvement and urban surveying of people’s interaction with public spaces, pioneered and continuously developed by Jan Gehl. Now I am conducting Public Life Surveys to help council gain a better understanding of their cities. So far in 2017 I’ve been fortunate enough to survey in both Auckland and Queenstown, and while it’s hard work there’s almost always time to climb a mountain or two while away.

On a more personal level, I love walking in vibrant cities, and in the quiet of the mountains. I am passionate about making places for people, and enjoy working with community groups to improve their spaces with them. Everyday I’m challenged to assess my Copenhagenized ideals critically with the kiwi culture in mind, and reflect on why things like bicycle lanes, pedestrian streets and public transport works in this country.

I am a graduate member of NZILA, and have been a member of the Danish IFLA branch before moving. I am excited to be part of the New Zealand Landscape architect community, and I hope to contribute to the profession's growth and importance in the coming years.