Events Calendar
World Green Infrastructure Congress Launch
24 Nov 2023, Auckland University
Te Pare | School of Architecture and Planning, Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland in Collaboration with Design for Nature are excited to invite you to join us for the World Green Infrastructure Congress 2024 Launch Event.
The World Green Infrastructure Congress brings together experts from industry, academia, government, and governance to foster knowledge, technological, and cross-disciplinary collaboration on green infrastructure to help support and catalyse a healthier, more sustainable urban future. Designed to share knowledge, best practice and promote collaboration opportunities on topics including urban nature-based solutions, green buildings, climate adaptation strategies and policy.
Attend this event to hear about Congress details, dates, an initial timeline, sponsorship packages, themes and provide a beautiful green space to network and register your interest.
Where: Social Sciences Building Atrium B201, Waipapa Taumata Rau I University of Auckland, 10 Symonds Street
When: 4-6pm I Friday, 24th November 2023
RSVP: by 16 November or as soon as possible.