Events Calendar

Melting Moments - Leading from the land -NZIA Event

12 Sep 2024, Wellington

Melting Moments - Leading from the land -NZIA Event

Once there was land beneath these city foundations sustaining complex environmental systems. In practice we might grapple with this by way of site coverage, stormwater management, landscaping or cultural memory, but these are just starting points. The land after all extends well beyond the typically defined ‘site’. With this months Melting Moments we explore some of these complex connections across the whenua and discuss the implementation of effective place based solutions.

Think of it a bit like a practice group, with kōrero led by a range of professionals engaged with different aspects of the event subject.

Brought to you by the Wellington branch of Te Kahui Whaihanga covering issues and ideas special to our region.

With us to share their zest and knowledge are:
Nicole Thompson - Principal Landscape Architect at Wrights+Associates
Stu Farrant - Water Sensitive Designer at Morphum Environmental
Chris Woolley - Te Herenga Waka researcher on Urban Lizards and biodiversity
Tanya Ruka - Research-based contemporary artist, and Lecturer in Design Matauranga Maori
Light refreshments and nibbles provided, bring your ideas and questions for kōrero!

Free, no registration required.

Where: Wellington Branch | Melting Moments - Leading from the land
2/57 Willis Street, Wellington Central

When:12 September 2024

Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM

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