Events Calendar
He Haerenga Mōrearea - A Hazardous Journey Exploring Mātauranga Māori and Volcanic Hazards
12 Dec 2023, Webinar

In a landscape that is constantly changing, mātauranga Māori and mātuaranga-a-iwi have developed, listening to the tohu and environmental changes that have occurred and using these to provide forecasts of potentially destructive volcanic activity. Prof Jon Procter (Muaūpoko, Ngāti Apa, and Ngāi Tahu) of Massey University presents this journey toward a new form of tangata tiaki and processes of disaster risk reduction based on mātuaranga-a-iwi, science, and technology.
In collaboration with the Geoscience Society of New Zealand, Resilience to Nature’s Challenges National Science Challenge is excited to present, ‘He Haerenga Mōrearea - A Hazardous Journey; Exploring Mātauranga Māori and Volcanic Hazards’.
Speaker: Jon Procter, Muaūpoko, Ngāti Apa, and Ngāi Tahu, Professor of Natural Hazards
Massey University
Jon Procter is a Professor of Natural Hazards at Massey University and co-leader of our Volcanoes research programme. Jon manages the Volcanic Risk Solutions (VRS) research group and has contributed nationally to developing new research directions in volcanology, including volcanic hazard simulation and working with communities to increase resilience to natural and environmental hazards. Being one of only a handful of Māori professorial scientists, Jon feels he has a duty to contribute to Māori development. His greatest contribution in this respect has been the development of a new area of research on mātauranga Māori, volcanic hazards and building resilience in Māori communities.
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, naumai ki tēnei wānanga, ‘He Haerenga Mōrearea’.
Date: Tuesday, December 12th
TIme: 12pm - 1pm
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